Shell exit status

Ekim 25th, 2011 § Yorum yok

$ cat
#! /bin/bash
echo -e "Successful execution"
echo -e "====================="
echo "hello world"
# Exit status returns 0, because the above command is a success.
echo "Exit status" $? 
echo -e "Incorrect usage"
echo -e "====================="
ls --option
# Incorrect usage, so exit status will be 2.
echo "Exit status" $? 
echo -e "Command Not found"
echo -e "====================="
# Exit status returns 127, because bashscript command not found
echo "Exit status" $? 
echo -e "Command is not an executable"
echo -e "============================="
ls -l
# Exit status returns 126, because its not an executable.
echo "Exit status" $?

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Ne yapıyorum ben!?

Shell exit status başlıklı yazıyı okuyorsun.

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